Hall of Appreciation

Monkeys Need Love Too, the first game to be published by Topwise Games, officially funded on October 2nd, 2014 at 4:19pm CST!  We couldn’t have done it without the help from the hundreds of backers that contributed to the Kickstarter project.  Their support, both financially and through social media and word of mouth, is what helped turn this game from a prototype to being on game shelves in houses and retail stores soon!

Below is an alphabetical list of some of those backers that contributed to the Kickstarter project.

Adam Solis

Alex & Bill Gurski

Amy Frazier

Ariel & Laura Ferguson

Assassin Games

Balero Games

Brandon Burke

Brandon Cox

Brian Monroe

Brooke L.

Budder Bean

Cade ” CadeRageous” Peterson

Carol Moeller

Cary Fleming


Cheryl Stevens Clark

Christopher King

Christopher Leotta


Clint Vaupel

Cody Walsh, Medieval Man Studio

Courtland Ellis

cow&duck studios

Dan Liteplo

Daniel Shafer

Dave Ballard

David Chuhay

David Luther Sann

David Richardson

David Wendel

Dequan Watson

Diane Dowdell

Dianne Chen

Diego McDonald

Donny Behne

Doug “Bucky” Seelig

Doug Levandowski

Dr. Jeff Holt & family

Ed Kowalczewski

Edward Gates

Edward U.

Edwin & Mariska B.

Emily Valdez

Epic Slant Press LLC

Eric Lykins

Erik Perkins

Erik Zimmer

Galit A.

Galvanized Studios


Graeme Rigg

Gustav Wedholm

Hayley Manning


Holly & Ryan Browning

Indie Game Alliance

James & Barbara

James Clarendon

James Kemp

Jason Steitle

Jay Ezell

Jeremy Berry

Jim & Shirley Stateczny

Jim Scott

JKLM Eggleston

John Asbill

John Mayberry

Jondi Schmitt-Soper

Joseph Carney

Juho Ainali

Justin Bledsoe

Justin Horejsi

Keith Goreham (SandWyrm)

Keith J. Thompson

Kevin Schumacher


Krishna Perkins

Lesley Singleton of Board Game Club


Luke B.

Mackenzie Thomas

Marcin Zdybicki

Marianne L. Solinas

Mark & Elisabeth Gardner

Mark Carline

Mary Ellen Gillen

Matt Gilbank

Max & Ali

Max Holliday

Megan Antrim

Monica Perez

Neal & Deborah Berkowitz


Nina Warrick


Noodle Ashley

Patrick Nolan

Paul – The Monkey Master

R Cabrera

Raul Ybarra

Rhett Chassereau

Rhonda P.

Rick Miller

Roan Arts LLC

Robert Payne

Rose Mary

Scott Fryer

Shane Brown Geeks-First.com

SolarFlare Games

Sparky the Streaker

Stephen Jennings

Stephen S. Gibson

Steve Nadeau

Steven & Michelle Hill


Sue Ann Brooks

Tasha Lem

Ted Butler

Terry Miller Associates

The Hardin Family

The SlideFactory

Three Guys Gaming, LLC

Tim Blank

Tom Brandt

Tom Norfolk

Troy T. Byrne


Wayne L. Budgen

We Make Games

Willie Cantu

WinGo Games

Zachary Williams
